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Saint Series: Original Santa Maria de la Cabeza

Saint Series: Original Santa Maria de la Cabeza

Regular price $125.00 USD
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This is an original 8”x10” watercolor painting by Leanne Bowen. It is on a thick watercolor paper and is an original composition.

Santa Maria de la Cabeza is a great patron saint for wives. She was the wife of Saint Isidore the farmer. Isidore would often bring home as many coworkers as he could. She would pray for her pot to miraculously, refill itself, because she didn’t have enough food for everyone. It would. She’s also a great intercessor for dry places. She is known to bring rain to places of drought for those who ask for her intercession. Santa Maria de la Cabeza, pray for us to be hospitable to those near us and help us trust in the Lord’s providence.

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